Sunday, 27 April 2014

A Shakespearean Sonnet for Social

For a long time, poetry was probably the biggest part of my life, much to the distaste and entertainment of a lot of people in my school year. It didn't bother me in the slightest that I was often labeled and categorised for this, as it was something that I enjoyed doing and I had the ability to use words poetically in a pretty effective way.

However, in the last couple of years, I've been focusing almost exclusively on writing songs, which, although similar, is a different ball game for several reasons.

That said, inspired by Tangerine PR MD Sandy Lindsay's fantastic "Ode to the Twitter" and in honour of Shakespeare's recent birthday, I decided the time was ripe to try my hand once more at some good old fashioned poetry, namely a sonnet in the style of the Bard himself. Enjoy!

As Fickle as a Facebook Friend

Ah! Social media, thou art fickle.
With deceptive powers to break and mend.
If thou art known not, 'twill cause a pickle,
For thou art enemy as quick as friend.
In thy brief but explosive existence,
Thou hast proven thy menacing powers.
It takes patience, guile; willful persistence -
All to be taught at Tangerine Towers.
Stay your wrath! For we look not to subdue,
But to unleash your hidden potential.
Alliances be forged 'twixt us and you:
In our future, it becomes essential.
So let us embrace, our volatile friend!
For our paths be entwined now, 'til the end.

I have to admit, I had a huge amount of fun writing this, and it makes me want to get back into it. Safe to say I've been re-bitten by the poetry bug!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

My Top Ten Social Media cock ups.

For any brand, it’s a time of crisis and of extreme pressure when things go wrong on social media. A mistimed tweet, or a rogue employee with the wrong passwords can be extremely damaging to the image of a company. However, to the outsider, they can be considered fairly entertaining. In fact, some of the ones I have researched left me feeling embarrassed for the company, so I feel sorry for the manager of these accounts.

Anyway, some of my favourite “face palm” moments on social are below

10) To start us off, good old McDonalds. Back at the start of 2012, McDonalds wanted their customers to share their “real” #mcdstories. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a Big Mac? Well, quite a few people it turns out. The hashtag was inundated with tweets about bad quality food, and just overall horrific experiences. Now, as we all know, people can be quick to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, and despite pulling the promoted hashtag within two hours, it continued to trend across the world. But at least their social media manager identified that it “didn’t go as planned.”

9) It seems that Hurricane Sandy was the perfect opportunity for clothing retailers to push forward their marketing on Twitter. Wait, what? Yep, you heard. Both American Apparel and The Gap decided to plug their companies on Twitter in response to a powerful natural disaster. American Apparel decided very kindly to offer 20% off to anyone in the states affected by the storm. The logic behind that astounds me. Makes me suggest their social media staff attend the meetings of another organisation called AA. Meanwhile, The Gap suggested people make the most of their downtime during the storm to shop on their website. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

8) Remember the horsemeat scandal? The social media team at Tesco probably do. Not only was their Twitter probably plastered with tweets from angry customers, they also neglected to unschedule  a tweet using the phrase “hit the hay.” I can imagine it probably didn’t put off the neigh-sayers.

7) This one isn’t from a brand, but it still made me chuckle. In fact, it happened this week! A 14 year old Dutch girl decided, for some absurd reason, decided to tweet to American Airlines that she was a member of Al-Qaeda, and was planning “something really big.” Far from enjoying the joke, American Airlines responded by telling the tweeter that they were giving her IP address to the FBI. She has since been arrested by Dutch police, despite several tweets protesting her innocence and that it was “her friend.” Ahh, to be young and make terrorist threats again. Those were the days.

 6) Sticking with the airways theme, US Airways “landed” (excuse the pun) themselves in hot water with a rather…interesting reaction to a customer complaint. They initially sent a standard response to the customer. But when the customer continued to express her dissatisfaction with her experience, they, or someone who had access to their account, tweeted a rather unpleasant picture of a woman with a plane that appeared to be a little lost.

5) This is a real facepalmer, and one that the company is still recovering from. On 20th July 2012, at a midnight screening of the latest Batman movie, a shooter opened fire on the audience at a cinema in Aurora, Colorado. As one could expect, #Aurora became a trending topic on Twitter. However, the social media genius’ at CelebBoutique didn’t think to check why it was trending before posting a promotional tweet, saying that it must be caused by their latest dress. I don’t even need to make a witty comment about it.

4) JP Morgan, everyone’s favourite bankers, decided to open themselves up to their loyal and loving customer base with a Twitter Q&A session with its Vice Chairman. In some crazy world they must have thought bankers were the most loved people in the world. But he was soon brought back to Earth was a rather severe bump as he received countless abusive and probing questions about his salary and bonus, before the session even went live. It was hastily cancelled after they realised, 49 years after The Beatles, that money can’t buy you love.

3) Weeeeeee…had better not make light of a plane crash. London Luton airport become the latest in a line of airways social media bloopers that appears to be growing longer than the queues at an airport terminal. In March 2013, they decided it would be a brilliant idea to post a picture of a minor plane crash when a plane skidded off the runway, causing the death of a 6 year old boy. Still, at least they didn’t make a joke out of it. Oh, oops…

2) The runner up is Epicurious, who decided that a human tragedy is the perfect opportunity to sell their breakfast foods. Claiming that their suggestion of whole grain cranberry scones were “in honour” of the victims was naturally met with outrage from the public. After all, who wants whole grain?

1) Mutiny on the ship! Ahh, my favourite social media mess comes from my beloved HMV. Like a modern re-enactment from a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean, swashbuckling employees who were set to lose their jobs decided not to bow out from their roles with grace and dignity, but to hijack the company’s Twitter profile and air the grievances. No sooner could a tweet be deleted, than another would appear, causing a rather big sweat.

So that’s it. Ten of my favourite monumental cock ups from the brief history of social media. Ten gloriously cringeworthy tales of dignity disappeared, brands broken, and inappropriate images.

I want to hear about any other social media cock ups you have seen. Let me know in the comments section below!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Perspective, Attitude, Resilience.. Go above PAR

As I have mentioned in a previous post (found here), the last year or two has been absolutely hectic and pretty tough for me in terms of dealing with a culmination of issues. People often look at me a bit gone out, though, when I say that I have no regrets or bitterness.

For one, being bitter and wallowing in self pity is going to get me nowhere anyway. But the main reason, is that the more I think about it, the more I’ve learned from the trials and tribulations I have been through.

If you are a football player, or a doctor, or an accountant, you can almost never do what you want to be able to do when you first begin your journey. It takes years of learning, experience and mistakes to develop the necessary skill set. In my opinion, life can be treated exactly the same. In some ways I think those who go through more have a better chance at being successful in life because they have the capability of dealing with tougher situations.

This isn’t to say that having a hard life will guarantee a good life in the long run. What will make you have a good life is how you choose to react to the situation you find yourself in. You can choose to feel sorry for yourself, or you can choose to get out and solve your issues, or at least attempt to. Trust me when I say you will change as a person once you have this attitude.

The last year has also put things in perspective for me. Before, I was very much a naïve, narrow minded individual with a pretty selfish view of the world, if I’m completely honest. I was greedy for success and personal glory. Don’t get me wrong, I still have that same drive to be the best, but it is no longer the primary focus of my life, although it is still obviously a major part.

What matters is people. Relationships, friendships and family. The people who are in your life are the ones who can make it or break it, or sometimes a little bit of both. We’re all guilty of taking people around us for granted (and after all, why wouldn’t we?), and it’s something I have tried working on. Certainly, I appreciate people, past and present, for who they are rather than what they can offer.

I guess this post is kind of telling you that it is necessary, in a way, to embrace hardships as part of life. If you can see them as a challenge more than an obstacle, I believe you can get further. Don’t automatically take the easy route to avoid trouble, because this can backfire, as amazing as it might be in the short term. Sometimes the things you truly want in life, or what you need to do in life, may seem like the hardest, most impossible thing in the world. I assure you, anything is possible if you have the right attitude.

Rest assured, I’m not an eternally shining beacon of positivity. I have my moments, sometimes long periods where I wish more than anything that things could be different. But I genuinely believe that things will work out for themselves in the long run because I fight for what I want, even if it seems hopeless. I don’t quit. I feel like it, just as much as anyone, but I plod along relentlessly. I’m a competitive person, and I won’t let anything get in my way. You should be the same because, trust me, it makes all the difference.